SpecINT 2000 Commandlines

If you find this useful, please take a second to email me a note.

Commandlines determined by running:

runspec --config=intel_linux --size=ref --noreportable --iterations=1
go work <benchname>
cd 00000000<n>
specinvoke -n

See $SPECROOT/docs/runspec.txt and $SPECROOT/docs/utility.txt for details on these Spec commands.

You can also derive them from the script(s) in $SPECROOT/benchspec/CINT2000/<benchname>Spec and the control files in the dataset directories.

Note that running one of the benchmarks may entail launching a single executable several times with varying commandlines. Also, note that 255.vortex is endian specific. Replace "lendian*.raw" with "bendian*.raw" if you are running on a big endian platform.

REFerence Commandlines

datasets are in $SPECROOT/benchspec/CINT2000/<benchname>/data/ref/input

Note that parser, perlbmk, and gap rely on files from a common "all" directory regardless of whether you're running test/train/ref.

gzip input.source 60 > input.source.out 2> input.source.err
gzip input.log 60 > input.log.out 2> input.log.err
gzip input.graphic 60 > input.graphic.out 2> input.graphic.err
gzip input.random 60 > input.random.out 2> input.random.err
gzip input.program 60 > input.program.out 2> input.program.err

vpr net.in arch.in place.out dum.out -nodisp -place_only -init_t 5 -exit_t 0.005 -alpha_t 0.9412 -inner_num 2 > place_log.out 2> place_log.err
vpr net.in arch.in place.in route.out -nodisp -route_only -route_chan_width 15 -pres_fac_mult 2 -acc_fac 1 -first_iter_pres_fac 4 -initial_pres_fac 8 > route_log.out 2> route_log.err

cc1 166.i -o 166.s > 166.out 2> 166.err
cc1 200.i -o 200.s > 200.out 2> 200.err
cc1 expr.i -o expr.s > expr.out 2> expr.err
cc1 integrate.i -o integrate.s > integrate.out 2> integrate.err
cc1 scilab.i -o scilab.s > scilab.out 2> scilab.err

mcf inp.in > inp.out 2> inp.err

crafty < crafty.in > crafty.out 2> crafty.err

parser 2.1.dict -batch < ref.in > ref.out 2> ref.err

eon chair.control.cook chair.camera chair.surfaces chair.cook.ppm ppm pixels_out.cook > cook_log.out 2> cook_log.err
eon chair.control.rushmeier chair.camera chair.surfaces chair.rushmeier.ppm ppm pixels_out.rushmeier > rushmeier_log.out 2> rushmeier_log.err
eon chair.control.kajiya chair.camera chair.surfaces chair.kajiya.ppm ppm pixels_out.kajiya > kajiya_log.out 2> kajiya_log.err

perlbmk -I./lib diffmail.pl 2 550 15 24 23 100 > 2.550. 2> 2.550.
perlbmk -I. -I./lib makerand.pl > makerand.out 2> makerand.err
perlbmk -I./lib perfect.pl b 3 m 4 > b.3.m.4.out 2> b.3.m.4.err
perlbmk -I./lib splitmail.pl 850 5 19 18 1500 > 850. 2> 850.
perlbmk -I./lib splitmail.pl 704 12 26 16 836 > 704. 2> 704.
perlbmk -I./lib splitmail.pl 535 13 25 24 1091 > 535. 2> 535.
perlbmk -I./lib splitmail.pl 957 12 23 26 1014 > 957. 2> 957.

gap -l ./ -q -m 192M < ref.in > ref.out 2> ref.err

vortex lendian1.raw > vortex1.out2 2> vortex1.err
vortex lendian2.raw > vortex2.out2 2> vortex2.err
vortex lendian3.raw > vortex3.out2 2> vortex3.err

bzip2 input.source 58 > input.source.out 2> input.source.err
bzip2 input.graphic 58 > input.graphic.out 2> input.graphic.err
bzip2 input.program 58 > input.program.out 2> input.program.err

twolf ref > ref.stdout 2> ref.err

TEST Commandlines

datasets are in $SPECROOT/benchspec/CINT2000/<benchname>/data/test/input
gzip input.compressed 2 > input.compressed.out 2> input.compressed.err

vpr net.in arch.in place.out dum.out -nodisp -place_only -init_t 5 -exit_t 0.005 -alpha_t 0.9412 -inner_num 2 > place_log.out 2> place_log.err
vpr net.in arch.in place.in route.out -nodisp -route_only -route_chan_width 15 -pres_fac_mult 2 -acc_fac 1 -first_iter_pres_fac 4 -initial_pres_fac 8 > route_log.out 2> route_log.err

cc1 cccp.i -o cccp.s > cccp.out 2> cccp.err

mcf inp.in > inp.out 2> inp.err

crafty < crafty.in > crafty.out 2> crafty.err

parser 2.1.dict -batch < test.in > test.out 2> test.err

eon chair.control.cook chair.camera chair.surfaces chair.cook.ppm ppm pixels_out.cook > cook_log.out 2> cook_log.err
eon chair.control.rushmeier chair.camera chair.surfaces chair.rushmeier.ppm ppm pixels_out.rushmeier > rushmeier_log.out 2> rushmeier_log.err
eon chair.control.kajiya chair.camera chair.surfaces chair.kajiya.ppm ppm pixels_out.kajiya > kajiya_log.out 2> kajiya_log.err

perlbmk -I. -I./lib test.pl < test.in > test.out 2> test.err

gap -l ./ -q -m 64M < test.in > test.out 2> test.err

vortex lendian.raw > vortex.out2 2> vortex.err

bzip2 input.random 2 > input.random.out 2> input.random.err

twolf test > test.stdout 2> test.err